Unlock Your Movement Potential

We’ll Help You Recapture and Reimagine Church as a Jesus Movement 

Empowering Your Journey in Movement Christianity

Step into a nurturing space where we explore and grow in movement Christianity together. Our community of experienced trainers is dedicated to sharing insights and practical tools that will help you spark a dynamic Jesus movement in your context. Get exclusive access to helpful resources, supportive training, and shared learning experiences will help you explore new paths in church practices and create meaningful change in your community.

Why Movements?

Jesus Movements have always been powerful agents of change, harnessing transformative energy and catalytic impact to reshape the world. Over time, however, the church has shifted towards institutional structures, moving away from the dynamic, world-changing movement Jesus originally inspired.

Together, let’s journey back to the roots of Jesus Movements. Our aim is to uncover the 'forgotten ways,' fostering movements that ignite social, spiritual, and systemic change. We believe in sparking imagination and innovation to influence society at every level. Now, more than ever, our society needs this kind of positive, transformative movement.

Movement DNA

Every Jesus Movement thrives when it embodies six key elements, which we refer to as Movement DNA (mDNA). mDNA isn't just a concept — it's the heartbeat of a vibrant community and mission, crucial for nurturing personal growth, fostering community solidarity, and guiding organizational purpose. Discover the six transformative elements that make up mDNA:

  • Jesus is Lord

    Your Central Commitment:
    Embrace Jesus at the heart of your life and actions. It's about making Him the cornerstone of everything you do, allowing His teachings to guide your daily journey.

  • Discipleship and Disciple-Making

    Your Path of Growth:
    Engage in a transformative journey as Jesus' apprentice. Your commitment to discipleship isn't just about your growth; it's about guiding others to walk alongside Jesus, just as you are.

  • Missional-Incarnational Impulse

    Your Gospel in Action:
    Bring the gospel to life in your everyday interactions. It's about being a living example of Jesus' love and teachings, wherever you are and with everyone you meet.


    Your Role in Our Collective Mission:
    In the body of Christ, every individual's unique gifts are essential, including yours. Together, we form a dynamic force, each person's contributions enriching and strengthening our shared mission. Embrace your role, and see how it's pivotal in our collective journey.

  • Liminality & Communitas

    Your Shared Adventure:
    Join hands with others in embracing risks and adventures. These shared experiences not only strengthen your faith but also deepen your connections within the community.

  • Organic Systems

    Your Role in Natural Growth:
    Be a part of a movement that grows and multiplies naturally, just like you do. Your involvement in simple, reproducible practices contributes to the healthy and sustainable expansion of our community.

Start Your mDNA Journey with Us Today